Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Its been a crazy couple of days at work. I feel like I should give more of a back story to me on this. I moved out to LA back in Dec to start to establish myself in California since 1) this is where a lot of the animation studios are and 2) its always been my goal to end up living in cali (I've yet to look back, I love it here so much :D) When I first got here I had a part time job doing janitorial things at an LA Fitness over in Santa Monica. Its schedule of 5am-9am got old real fast with me having to wake up at 4am. So I kept applying to other places till I landed a job at this movie theater 5 min down the road. I turned my 2 weeks notice in right away.

So now at work at the theater they trained me in concessions and after that my schedule got ridiculous. With the schedule I had I was only working on my AM hw on saturdays... all the work that had to be done that week I would do in one day. At first I was surprised I was pulling it off but as I started working on shots that were a challenge, my hand ins started to suffer till eventually I was completely disappointed, as I feel behind a whole 2 weeks. Its not that I had nothing to show but for the week I was supposed to start shot 3's reference footage I was still working on shot 2 and when I was supposed to have shot 3's blocking one I submitted shot 3's reference footage. To make matters worse my reference footage was bad and I had to reshoot making it that when blocking 2 was due I was submitting new reference. Mix this with poor decision making and I was 2 weeks behind. I then changed my schedule so I only work Fridays, Sundays, and Mondays now. I then decided I didnt care how long it took I was going to catch up over that coming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This is the result.

Without the reference footage Jesse helped me with I dont think animating this would have been as fun as it was. The second half of the clip where there is spline is just to show how its looking in spline. I'm currently having issues with doing holds. I remember my professor Scott back at SCAD giving an awesome lecture on it but that was about 2 years ago now? I think? I can barely remember it. I know I took notes on it but I cant find that notebook at the moment >.< So I asked Drew (my current mentor) if he could go over how he does holds so that I can tackle that next and move into spline this coming week.

P.S. By the way, I got a cintiq!! And I didnt forget about that pose sketch idea yet. Hes so off balanced lol

 photo cintiq_zps579974d8.jpg

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